Hot Brass and Sticky Fingers: Range Day with Donut Operator and the Incendis Thermal Clip On

June 28, 2023

Range Day with Donut Operator: Recently we had the opportunity to gather with some like minded individuals to do the thing that brings us all the greatest joy. Just a big group of sweaty, excited folks causing a series of small explosions. That’s right, we had ourselves a range day with our gear such as the Incendis Thermal Clip On.

Thank You Donut Man For Hosting

Our fearless leader Brandon got to hang out with some of the best folks in the industry at a Range Day hosted by the one and only Donut Operator. If you aren’t familiar with Donut Operator, first I suggest you redecorate the rock you have been living under, then you should head over to YouTube or Instagram to get acquainted.

From time to time Mr. Donut rounds up his friends and other associates and they all shoot lots of guns and generally have a great time. I wont waste your time with a list of every firearm that was present, but I will say that Brandon Herrera, AKA “The AK Guy” pretty well emptied his safe and educated the crowd on the virtues of Comrade Kalashnikov’s pride and joy. There was much full auto and many gratuitous mag dumps (though much fun was had, all participants conducted themselves in a safe manner, and all gun safety rules and procedures were followed). 

What We Brought

As for Team Accufire, we brought out a few of our favorite rigs to showcase our traditional optics, red dot sights, and our new thermal clip on. We had our Advanced Tactical Rifle Optic (ATRO-8) on a Triarc Systems Recce Rifle, the Quick Standard Optic (QSO) Rifle Red Dot on a B&T APC9 , another ATRO-8 paired with our new Incendis Pro Thermal Clip on mounted on a Q Honey Badger Pistol, the Essential Variable Rifle Optic (EVRO-6) on an upgraded Marlin 45-70 lever action from Louthan Gun Works, and last but not least our mighty Advanced Tactical Rifle Optic (ATRO-20) on a Ruger 10-22 just to keep things interesting.

Everybody Loved the Incendis Pro Thermal Clip On

Our optics were a hit, but the big winner of the day was the Incendis Pro Thermal Clip On. Everybody present at the range that day had seen a thermal optic before, many had even taken some type of thermal stand alone or thermal clip on into the field in various capacities. But very few had seen a thermal clip on with the same capabilities of the Incendis Pro, and none had seen one at the same price point.

Tune into some of your favorite YouTube channels soon to see our optics run by some serious shooters. One of the best surprises of the day for us was when John Lovell, founder and CEO of Warrior Poet Society, told us that he has had an original Incendis Thermal Clip On for several years. It is always gratifying to hear that big names in the industry are long time customers. 

We Saw Some Great People

We had a great time hanging out with Donut operator, Brandon Herrera, Demolition Ranch, The Fat Electrician, Mrgunsngear, Micah Mayfield, BJ Baldwin, and the enigmatic Administrative Results. Again, tune in to these channels to see these folks run our optics, try to break them, and give some good feedback.

We are looking forward to partnering with these high speed trigger pullers in the near future. At Accufire it is our mission to provide our customers with quality digital spotting scopes, clip on thermal rifle optics, night vision optics, rifle scopes, and red dot sights at a price you can afford. We also believe you deserve entertaining gear reviews and a laugh or two along the way. Both should be heading your way soon. Thanks again to Donut Operator, we will see you at the next one.

Accufire, Advancing Accuracy

Incendis Pro Thermal Clip On
An Incendis Pro Thermal Clip On Optic

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Incendis PRO Thermal Clip On

The Incendis Pro Thermal Clip On has 640 core resolution which delivers improved clarity, more powerful zoom capability, and a 1000 meter target identification range.

An Incendis Thermal Clip On

Incendis Thermal Clip On

Featuring the traditional “white hot” and “black hot”, along with the improved red accent, and “green hot,” the Incendis Thermal Clip On has what you need to get the job done. As a standalone optic the Incendis transforms your rifle into a dedicated heat seeking machine.


Incendis Thermal Clip On Bag by Savior

Practice Safe Shots, don’t go unprotected